Friday, May 4, 2012

Chiropractic care relieves sciatic pain in Charlotte NC

charlotte nc chirocarolina offer sciatica treatment
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Some of us may have experienced sciatic pain and may not know it. It is described as pain that is achy, sharp, dull and sometimes feels like being pricked by pins and needles. Often, it is pain that starts at the lower back or buttocks and then moves into one or both legs. The pain from a sciatic nerve varies in frequency and intensity. It can be infrequent and minimal or constant and severe. Others report a burning feeling, tingling and numbness. Sciatic pain is also mistaken as a disorder. In fact, it is a symptom of another disorder. It is often caused by sciatic nerve compression. Conditions that will yield sciatic pain are tumors, herniated or bulging discs, pregnancy and childbirth, lumbar spine subluxation and other disorders such as diabetes, constipation and even sitting on your wallet.

Another common cause is Piriformis Syndrome. This is named after the piriformis muscle found at the lower part of the spine. It is connected to the thighbone and assists in hip rotation. Since the sciatic nerve runs below this muscle, this is often injured whether by falling, slipping and hip arthritis. Any of these conditions pinches the sciatic nerve which will cause inflammation and pain.

One of the goals of ChiroCarolina’s chiropractic care is to allow the body to heal itself. Treatment for sciatic pain will include ultrasound, cold therapy and spinal adjustement:

  • Ultrasound – produces sound waves and gentle heat that penetrates the tissues. This in turn increases circulation and reduce muscle spasm
  • Cold therapy – reduces inflammation and helps control sciatic pain
  • Spinal adjustments – frees the restricted movement of the spine

If you are experiencing sciatic pain, consult with expert chiropractors at ChiroCarolina in Charlotte NC. They will discuss with you what your treatment program is going to be like and what you can expect out of it. With chiropractic care, you can easily manage and find relief from sciatic pain.